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The Future of the Global Church
Where are we headed?
In The Future of the Global Church, Patrick Johnstone, author of six editions of the phenomenal prayer guide, Operation World, draws on his fifty years experience to challenge us with his bold vision of the global Christian church.
The Future of the Global Church weaves together the strands of history, demographics and religion to present a breath-taking, full-colour graphical and textual overview of the past, present and possible future of the Church around the world.
Through a thought-provoking glimpse into likely scenarios humankind may face in the next 40 years, The Future of the Global Church identifies significant trends that are rarely or never addressed by today’s media.
The Future of the Global Church highlights the impact of evangelical Christianity over the past two centuries, as well as the astonishing growth of Evangelicalism over the past half century. Johnstone focuses clearly on the unfinished task of world evangelization, with a special emphasis on the worlds 12,000 people groups especially those that have had least exposure to the Gospel.
Finally, Johnstone homes in on the role of the local church in tackling the unfinished task of world evangelization, especially that of reaching the world’s least-evangelized peoples with the Gospel.
Inside this work, you will find:
♦ Data and extrapolations that highlight likely scenarios for evangelical Christian ministry in the coming four decades.
♦ Interpreted overviews of the worldwide impact of the first 20 centuries of Christianity.
♦ Comparisons of the impact of Christianity with those of the other world religions.
♦ Summaries of the past, present and probable future contributions of the different streams of Christianity.
This book examines trends that will have a major impact on the course of world events for a generation to come. God is in control, He holds the future in His hands, yet invites us to be His co-workers. How effective are you and your church or your organization as participants in His plan for the peoples of the world?

A Quiet Center
A woman’s guide to resting in God’s presence: timely devotional on how any woman can learn to spend time alone with God and keep the quiet pace of His peace through each hectic day.
Daily chores pull you in every direction—the boss is demanding, the laundry piles up, the phone keeps ringing, the kids need rides. And day after day your Bible sits on the end table by the bed, unopened.
This devotional is aimed at you, the woman who longs for peace in the midst of an over-busy life.
Find a comfy chair. Let this refreshing guide show you how to still your heart before God, how to spend time alone with Him, and how to keep His restful presence within you throughout the day. A list of Scriptures and guidelines for meditation are included at the end of each chapter.
Find what God wants to offer you—a dwelling place alone with Him . . . a quiet center.

Digging Ditches
We are here to dig ditches (2 Kings 3:16), trusting that they will be filled with life-giving water at the appropriate time. Author: Helen Roseveare (224 pages) This is the third of Helen Roseveare’s autobiographical books (after Give Me This Mountain and He Gave Us a Valley), sharing lessons from life after her return from working in the Congo.
This is an inspiring story. It shows that at times when God’s blessings seems withdrawn, they are subsequently shown to have been there all the time. If you have ever experienced time when God’s call on your life seems remote, or you are encountering trials and problems, you will find refreshment from Helen’s pen. She shows how ‘trusting the Lord’ can be a gritty, rewarding drama rather than a wispy platitude.

No Sacrifice Too Great
The story of Charles and Priscilla Studd, missionaries to China, India and Central Africa and founders of WEC International. A challenging story of wholehearted sacrifice and radical commitment to Jesus. Author: Eileen Vincent (272 pages)

On Giants’ Shoulders
The inspiring story of a lad from south-east London, who became a missionary in Japan and today is an authority on Japanese literature. Author: Patrick McElligott (240 pages)

C. T. Studd (Cricketer & Pioneer)
Original biography of the founder of WEC International. Author: Norman Grubb (256 pages)
Translated into over 40 languages, Norman Grubb’s biography of C.T. Studd highlights some of the labours and adventures of his life that makes his faith an inspiration to those who read it. Nurtured in the lap of comfort, educated at Eton and Cambridge, the hero of the sport-loving public, C. T. Studd, whose Cambridge career had been described as ‘one long blaze of cricketing glory’, created a stir in the secular world of his youth by renouncing wealth and position to follow Christ. He had established a reputation as one of the greatest cricketers of his time (both losing and winning the original ‘Ashes’), but it was the illness of a brother which brought C.T. Studd face to face with realities and the transitory nature of worldly riches and fame. He abandoned everything to become a missionary in China, as the leader of the ‘Cambridge Seven’. After spending fifteen years in China and six in India, he devoted the rest of his life to spreading the Gospel message in Africa, founding Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ (WEC).

Helen Roseveare shows us that God is enough for salvation, assurance, emotional support, enough to please God, and enough for happiness and contentment.
What is our motivation for serving Jesus? Is it so that we might have good health and be wealthy? Paul’s letter to the Galatians tells us that the wealth, health and prosperity gospel is no gospel at all! However what we can find is fullness in Christ and in him we find that indeed God is enough for us! This easy to read book addresses key themes that span global cultures.

Life Lessons
Nine people, all of them Christian workers with WEC International, describe lessons that shaped and deepened their lives forever. Edited by Glenn Myers.
Susan Sutton, Evan Davies, Jean Goodenough, Glenn Myers, Jenny Davies, Byung Kook Yoo, Helen Roseveare, Patrick Johnstone, and Daphne Spraggett.
Complete with study questions, and aimed for anyone wanting to grow in their Christian life, these stories are ideal either to read on your own or to discuss in a small group.